When creating the quiz I had to ask myself a few questions, what was the main focus of the video, what can a learner gain from watching the video and how can I measure what knowledge the learner came away with after watching the video? After watching the video I determined that the learner needed to have knowledge of, binoculars, what they are and how to use them, a compass, how to determine what direction to both look and travel, and the Wet Moon, also known as the Cheshire Moon based in Hawaiian Mythology.
My assessment is effective because it challenges the learner to pay close attention to the NASA video. The questions I chose to ask are in direct alignment with what the video speaks on. It is also effective because after the learner takes the quiz they will have a better understanding of the three main points of the video, what the Wet Moon & Cheshire Moon looks like, and where it derived from, how to use a compass to determine direction, and what binoculars are used for. After watching the video and taking the quiz, I believe the learner will have an overall better understanding of these main points and will have enough knowledge to try some of the information out for themselves.
Digital media learning is essential to learning and assessing the effectiveness of the learning object because it gives the learner a visual aspect that isn't solely text-based. digital media covers a wide range of visual, audio aspects that can engage the learner making them eager to gain more knowledge and information on the subject. It is also easier to have digital media in learning because of today's use of technology and how many people have access to a digital media source. It is also much faster to assess learning through digital media because of how instant everything is in today's society. In most cases, there isn't a lot of physical copies of quizzes or tests, and grading and measuring learning outcomes have become much easier through computer-based technology.